I've made some notes on my tomatoes in the polytunnel, according to their progress a couple of weeks before Summer (on 12 November 2023 to be precise).
It's worth mentioning that the temps haven't been very hot. We've had the odd day above 30 degrees, which saw the temperature in the polytunnel get above 40 degrees. That spurred me into action to buy and install a solar exhaust fan, which I found on Amazon for $78.66.
So here are my notes (and a few pics!)
KOOKABURRA CACKLE: Very strong bush, lush foliage and thick stems. Almost zero powdery mildew.
LOXTON LASS: Lagging behind a bit, but starting to produce flowers. Some powdery mildew on the base. Living in the shadow of Kookaburra Cackle, which is spreading close to Loxton Lass. Maybe give Kooka more space next time.
CALMART: Weedy and very slow. Starting to finally grow and first flowers appearing. Not looking good for next year. No powdery mildew at least.
EARLINORTH: Thin, floppy, needs a lot of support. Starting to fruit. Not leafy. Some powedery mildew on the stems.
MOSKOVICH: Impressive, strong bush. Best looking bush so far. Biggest bush, but only just starting to flower.
UNKNOWN: Looks similar to Earlinorth, but fruit is small and smooth. Label was lost.
42 DAYS: Very fast, already covered in fruit (and stacks of flowers!). A decent bush, not super thick stems though. Some minor powdery mildew on the base.
I did a YouTube short about 42 Days.
Some of the overwintered beefsteak fruit are starting to blush - so will be eating them soon! I have no record of what varieties they are. Lots of cherry tomatoes on unknown overwintered bushes.
Unfortunately I don't have enough time left to "experiment"